
Since all formatting is defind as styles and styles are defined in
separate (parts of the) files that make up an ODT file, this requires
you to work with ODT styles. There may be a hack around it, I don't

See the manual for how to use a style sheet with #+ODT_STYLES_FILE. (For
a once-off document, the simplest is to export your document to ODT,
make any style changes to the ODT document, save it, and point
#+ODT_STYLES_FILE to that document for future export.)

In the ODT document you use as styles file, create a new Character
style. For example: In the document, mark some text red. Select the red
text. Open the Styles and Formatting dialog, go to the Character styles
tab (that's the second tab, the first is paragraph styles). Then from
the drop-down "Styles actions" menu (icon on the right), choose "New
style from selection". Name your style, e.g. "Red". It should show up in
the list of character styles.

To apply that style to a span of text, you need to wrap the text in
<text:span text:style-name="Red"></text:span> tags in the content.xml
component of the ODT file. For your "#" formatting, you could set up an
export hook or filter (manual: "Advanced export configuration") with a
replace-match like

  "@@odt:<text:span text:style-name="Red">@@\\1@@odt:</text:span>@@"

I would probably rather use a macro like

  #+MACRO: red @@odt:<text:span text:style-name="Red">@@$1@@odt:</text:span>@@

  This text is {{{red(alarmingly)}}} red.


Uwe Brauer writes:

> Hi
> a short hack of the sort
>   (interactive)
>   (while (re-search-forward "#\\([^#]*\\)#" nil t)
>     (replace-match "<span style=\"color:red\">\\1</span>")))
> Allows me to export text like this
> #important#
> to HTML where the resulted text is colored in red.
> Now, how can I achieve something like this for the odt export?
> Reards
> Uwe Brauer

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