This morning C-S left no longer shifts the date in the LOGBOOK drawer.  I set the cursor on the second date which was 2022-06-10 initially and pressed C-S left
... expecting it to be shifted to the 2022-06-09 as shown below.

  CLOCK: [2022-06-09 Thu 11:53]--[2022-06-09 Thu 19:20] =>  7:27

I've checked this email list as well as news and C-h b and do not see directions for an alternate method.
Can anyone direct me?
I don't know if this is an intentional change or perhaps a bug?


Org mode version 9.5.4 (release_9.5.4-531-g57d64c @ /home/dortmann/src/git-org-mode/lisp/)

GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 5, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30, cairo version 1.15.12) of 2022-06-10

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