
I would like to create an animated gif for a latex src block.

Here to fix ideas such a block :

#+header: :file test4.gif
#+header: :exports results
#+header: :results output silent graphics file
#+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 -delay 8 -loop 0 
-background white -alpha remove
#+header: :fit yes :noweb yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}")
#+begin_src latex
\foreach \angle in {0,10,...,360}
    % fill circle and plot
    \fill[blue!50] (-1,0) arc (0:\angle:1) -- (-2,0) -- cycle;
    \fill[blue!50] plot[smooth,domain=0:\angle] (pi/180*\x,{sin(\x)}) |- (0,0);
    % draw connection
    \draw (-2,0) +(\angle:1) circle (2pt) -- (pi/180*\angle,{sin(\angle)}) 
circle (2pt);
    % draw axes an ticks
    \draw (-3.5,0) -- (7,0);
    \foreach \deg in {90, 180, 270, 360}
      \draw (pi/180*\deg,2pt) -- (pi/180*\deg,-2pt) node[below] {$\deg^\circ$};
    \draw (0,-1.2) -- (0,1.2);
    \foreach \y in {-1,-0.5,0.5,1}
      \draw (2pt,\y) -- (-2pt,\y) node[left] {$\y$};
    % draw plot and circle outline
    \draw plot[smooth,domain=0:360] (pi/180*\x,{sin(\x)});
    \draw (-2,0) circle (1);

grabbed here :

When hitting [C-c C-c], it does produce a gif, but which cannot be

I downloaded another animated gif on internet which works properly
within emacs, so the issue comes most probably from the latex to pdf

I noticed that the latex header used is

\pagestyle{empty}             % do not remove
% The settings below are copied from fullpage.sty
\usepackage[active, tightpage]{preview}

which is different from the latex header used in tex.stackexchange page

I replaced the default header provided by emacs with this very one and
it worked. Is it possible to modify the latex header depending on the
export image format ?



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