
Cletip Cletip writes:

> - they are made implicitly to make a "key :: value" couple, which can
> be convenient

Leaving aside typographical considerations, what LaTeX calls, for
example, "description" (because Org is totally typographic agnostic), I
find this property that you mention very useful. For example, for my
translation (work in progress) of Homer's Odyssey, I am writing a
descriptive list with the Homeric formulas in Greek (key) and how I
translate each specific formula (value), since they are terms that are
repeated a lot in the text. With a bit of Elisp I can later recover
some specific formula from the list.

See: https://list.orgmode.org/87bl5tzof2....@posteo.net/

Then, when I publish the translation (if I ever finish it ;-)), that
list will be translated in typographic terms, into a glossary of
homeric formulas.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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