>>>>> On Sat, 25 Jun 2022 11:32:21 +0800, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> said:

    Ihor> em...@vergauwen.me writes:
    >> Hi Robert, 
    >> I used the instructions provide on 
    >> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html#first-patch.
    >> For me, it was a first too, send a patch via email. Can I 
    >> prevent these issues in the future or use a different method
    >> to send my patches?

I donʼt think you did anything wrong, although if you'd committed the
changes locally and run 'git format-patch' to produce the patch file,
your authorship would have been included (Ihor's link below discusses
it at length)

    Ihor> I think we describe one method in
    Ihor> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html#org5355fd7

    Ihor> You can also find my personal suggestions and walkthrough in
    Ihor> https://orgmode.org/list/87levyzwsk.fsf@localhost

The thing thatʼs missing is any discussion of how to ensure the Author
of the commit is set correctly. When applying git patches it all
works, but not when applying diffs. Iʼll read through the
org-contribute section and see if I can come up with some verbiage.


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