Tim Cross writes:

> As I understand it (which isn't brilliant), the core problem is more to
> do with how the LaTeX/TeX engine processes the input to generate the
> postscript and pdf output. Modern PDFs have a wealth of internal tagging
> which simply sin't supported via the tex -> pdf pathway. The matter is
> made slightly worse by a lack of built-in support within latex/tex for
> accessibility 'tags' (similar to the aria tags for web content). 

There is a relatively recent experimental package for LaTeX that may be
of interest to you:

CTAN: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tagpdf

GitHub: https://github.com/u-fischer/tagpdf

The package is maintained by Ulrike Fischer, who is very active in the
TeX community. However, the package description says:

> The package offers tools to experiment with tagging and accessibility
> using pdfLaTeX and LuaTeX. It isn't meant for production but allows
> the user to try out how difficult it is to tag some structures; to try
> out how much tagging is really needed; to test what else is needed so
> that a pdf works e.g. with a screen reader. Its goal is to get a
> feeling for what has to be done, which kernel changes are needed, how
> packages should be adapted.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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