On Mon, Jul 04, 2022 at 08:46:11AM +0200, Martin Steffen wrote:


> In some sense that's defendable (that what could call natural numbers is
> a cultural question or historical, like looking at what Peano did nor
> did not define).
> On the other hand, one normally does not just deals with the numbers as
> such, one does something with it (like comparing them or calculating
> with them) [...]

Yes, since Uwe mentioned Peano, that's why I pointed out that
Peano doesn't care (you have to get to algebra, i.e. "up" in
the conventional foundational ladder) for 0 to have a special

About the cultural thing... you seem to be a zero-counter (as
I am, too): there, too, I think that "our" position isn't in
any way "better" -- some theorems look better this way, some
that way; some inductions are easier to start at 1, some at


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