Max Nikulin <> writes:

> However it seems, Bastien earlier configured a set of rewrite rules mapping 
> old file names
> with more lower case letters to new ones. In my opinion it is the best option 
> and it
> should be restored. List of files may be committed to git (either Org or 
> site) to detect
> changes later and to add new mappings when some file disappears.

Are you sure about that. There is nothing along these lines in the nginx
config file that I can see. Also, my reading following that thread you
provided earlier was that Bastien thought the overhead to manage such
lists was too high?

I guess we need to wait for Bastien to indicate his preference. I find
things a little challenging as there seems to be a fair bit of
outdated/conflicting information scattered through various files/notes. 

At this point, my vote is to just do a basic updated 404 page that
points to the index.html page for so that users have
something to follow and not a big ugly 404 Not Found. The rest we can
consider later.

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