I have a literate Emacs config here that you can look at:

Take a look at the Emacs config links to other people's 'literate' Emacs 
configs, and you might get some ideas to steal from as well, look under 'Emacs 
Config Links (Custom User Configs, Emacs Distributions, etc.)':

Also, Uncle Dave's Emacs YouTube tutorial is the best one for making an Emacs 
config based upon a 'config.org' file, would recommend this 100x:

Hope this helps!



On Mon, Jul 4, 2022, at 9:44 AM, Stephen Eglen wrote:
> I see many users are switching to using a 'literate programming'
> approach to tangling their .emacs file from an org file.
> Has anyone solved the following problem though?  If I have a file called
> config.org containing:
> * test
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (defun quick-test ()
>     "interactive"
>     (* 3 9)
>   )
> #+end_src
> and then in my .emacs file I do:
> (org-babel-load-file "~/config.org")
> quick-test is indeed defined, but when I do C-c f RET quick-test RET it
> takes me to config.el (a tangled file, suitable for computers, not
> humans), rather than config.org.  Is it possible instead to get the
> editor to jump to the definition in config.org?
> Stephen

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