Hello Naresh,

Many thanks for sharing.
If I'm looking for efficiency, I tend not to use noweb and use an R
session instead.

One reason is that caching does not work with noweb

#+name: test
#+begin_src R  :cache yes :session *R*
  a <- 1

#+RESULTS[36c41617bf9aa447ecc28fca8207eab38340d418]: test
: 1

#+name: add1
#+begin_src R :noweb yes :cache no :session *R*
 a + 1

#+RESULTS: add1
: 2

I would proceed in the following way

    #+name: connection
    #+begin_src R :exports results :results output :session *R* 
     ## my code here

    #+begin_src R :exports results :results output graphics file
    :session *R* :file figures/fig1.png
    ## my code here

    #+begin_src R :exports results output graphics file :file figures/fig2.png 
:session *R*
    ## my code here

this will require running the first code chunk once only to run the rest

On Thursday,  7 Jul 2022 at 09:22, Greg Minshall wrote:
>  you'd have to be careful to not get bitten by the code
> *not* being evaluated, and by it being evaluated too often.  (probably
> too clever by half.)

The comment of Greg is very relevant here as you'll have to manage
updates yourself, and it can get complex very quickly. A potential
pitfall is when the tables in database you are referring to, change.
So in this case I would avoid using :cache yes in the first code chunk

I'm also tempted to adopt the following organization

    * setup table
    #+name: connection
    #+begin_src R :exports results :results output :session *R* 
     ## my code here
    * output graphs
     :header-args:R: :exports results output graphics file  :session *R*
    #+begin_src R  :file figures/fig2.png
    ## my code here

    #+begin_src R  :file figures/fig1.png 
    ## my code here

then I would use (org-babel-execute-subtree) which is bound to C-c C-v
s on the subheading output graphs to regenerate the graphs.


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