On 09/07/2022 01:49, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
TL;DR: A list of use cases where using LuaTeX is more advantageous than
using pdfTeX
I forgot to ask earlier. Is Lua support in Babel potentially useful?
The current implementation doesn't work too well.
In the context of LaTeX your question is rather ambiguous.
- I have never tried lua interpreter as the handler of source blocks in
Org (org-babel).
- If you mean LuaLaTeX as the engine for "#+begin_src: latex" blocks
then some incompatibilities may arise due to font selection. PdfLaTeX
and LuaLaTeX needs different code in preamble to specify encoding and
fonts. With LuaTeX you get more convenient OTF and TTF font selection,
but you you have to pay for the feature. It is necessary to explicitly
specify all families: normal, typewriter, italics, etc if you need Unicode.
- There is babel LaTeX package. A decade ago polyglossia was a
replacement of babel for XeTeX and LuaTex, but currently babel is
recommended for these LaTeX engines as well. Sorry, if this statement is
not precise enough.