
> I (quickly) searched the list but did not find that the issue was
> raised before, so here I go.
> I had saved for myself an excerpt from the list archive.  I wanted to
> consult again the whole thread, so I type into Google:
>    "primarily latex/natbib users like john"
> and I get:
>    Your search - "primarily latex/natbib users like john" - did not
>    match any documents.
> But I do find it by performing the same search with Duckduckgo
> (

FYI, on my side, DuckDuckGo yields 0 results. So, apparently it depends
on your location.

> So what can be going on?  Can it be a problem on my side?  (Indeed,
> depending on the computer on which I perform the Google search,
> sometimes I am provided with the "results without quotes" -- although
> the target message does not seem to be there).  A problem on the Org
> site (that Duckduckgo managed to overcome)?
> At any rate, I thought this might be worth reporting.

AFAIK, GNU mailing lists are poorly indexed. I am not sure why. Note
that Org ML archive is fully available at


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