On Jun 20, 2009, at 1:09 AM, Keith Swartz wrote:

Hi Carsten,

I think that would work, yes. Can you give an example of what it would look like now? Are you saying we can use a function call for a single element, or to produce the entire list?

Please see Jere's answer in the "Use environment variable...." thread.

- Carsten


Carsten Dominik wrote:

On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Daniel J. Sinder <djsin...@gmail.com> wrote:

I want a remember template that will have a target headline based on
the date on which I call org-remember.

For a simple example, the effect I'd like to achieve is shown by
putting the following in my .emacs:

(setq org-remember-templates
    `(("Journal" ?j "* %u %?\n" "~/org/wjournal.org"
,(format-time-string "%G: Week %V"))))

I'm an elisp noob, but I realize the problem here is that
format-time-string is only evaluated once when my .emacs is read. So,
unless I restart emacs every week.  This doesn't work.

How can I cause format-time-string to be re-evaluated whenever
org-remember is called?

You cannot, unless you change the code. Keith Swartz had a similar
question recently and although I cannot find it in the Gmane archive
(second time today - maybe I'm doing something wrong), here is the last
part of the thread:

Hi Nick,

thank you for the reminder, I had wanted to do something about this.

I am indeed a bit hesitant to allow just a lisp form here, because erroneous
setup of the remember template structure might then lead
to hard-to-trace problems.

However, I am fine with allowing a *function* in this element, as
it is in fact already allowed for the target file name.

I have just pushed a fix that will accept a function in this place
and call it to get the true headline.

Daniel, Keith,

Hope that solves your issue.

- Carsten

| To: Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info>
| cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
| From: Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com>
| Cc: nicholas.do...@hp.com
| Reply-to: nicholas.do...@hp.com
| Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Emacs-orgmode Digest, Vol 39, Issue 122
| X-Mailer: MH-E 8.1; nmh 1.2; GNU Emacs 23.0.93
| Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 15:39:40 -0400
| Sender: n...@gamaville.dokosmarshall.org
| Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> wrote:
| > > Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 23:24:58 -0700
| > > From: Keith Swartz <g...@oneroad.com>
| > > Subject: [Orgmode] Lazy evaluation when defining org- remember-template
| > > To: "[orgmode]" <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
| > > Message-ID: <4a20d13a.2000...@oneroad.com>
| > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
| > >
| > > ...
| > >
| > > Is there a way I can make that command evaluate at the time it is | > > invoked, rather than when it is defined? I vaguely recall doing | > > something like this, but that was five job roles, three houses, two
| > > recessions, and two kids ago. :)
| > >
| >
| > I can't swear that this will work, but note that the way you have | > written this, it will all be evaluated at load time, as you say. the
| > 'list' function will evaluate its arguments to build the list.
| >
| > Now, if you don't want this to be evaluated when org-remember- templates
| > is set, you can quote the form:
| >
| > '(format-time-string "%A")
| >
| > [note that you quoted the argument to format-time-string. I don't | > believe that's necessary, since strings evaluate to themselves, but I
| > have not tested this.]
| >
| > Actually, I think you would get something easier to read if you quoted | > the whole list, instead of quoting each element. Something like:
| >
| > (list '("Todo" ?t "* TODO %?%^{To do} %^g\n  :LOGBOOK:\n  -
| > Added: %U\n :END:" "d:/tmp/_my.todo" (format-time-string "%A"))))
| >
| That's correct.
| > The question then is, "what happens when org-remember- templates is | > retrieved?" What you want is for this function to be evaluated when the
| > templates are found and used.  That will be done by
| > org-remember-apply-template, which we can examine....
| >
| > Unfortunately, I don't see in there anything which retrieves (nth 4 | > entry), which is the place where your format-time-string goes, so I'm | > not sure what is handling this. It's a little confusing reading that | > function's code, since "headline" is ambiguous between whether it means | > the headline of the remember note to be inserted or the headline under
| > which to insert the note...  I believe it's the former.
| >
| It's the latter.
| You can figure out things like this fairly quickly by inserting a
| (debug) at the appropriate place, and re-evaluating the defun. When the | function gets called, it will jump into the debugger when it evals the
| (debug) form, and you can use the full power of lisp to examine
| state. For example, here I defined the template the way you suggested,
| placed a (debug) in org-remember-apply-template, just after the
| insertion of the template in the remember buffer, re-evaluated the defun | (there is an eval-defun, but I prefer to do that by going to the end of
| the defun - which I can do quickly: repeat M-C-u until I'm at the
| beginning of the defun and M-C-f to move over the whole defun - and then
| C-x C-e to eval the last sexpression.)
| I then call org-remember and in the resulting debug buffer, say
|   e headline<RET>
| which says
| (format-time-string "%A")
|   e entry<RET>
| which says
| ("* TODO %?%^{To do} %^g
|   -
| Added: %U
|   :END:" (quote "d:/tmp/_my.todo") (format-time-string "%A"))
| Now you can see that the headline is the third element of this list
| (i.e. (nth 2 entry) - the numbering starts from 0).
| > Perhaps someone else can figure this out, or perhaps you could just try
| > quoting the list and seeing if it works to evaluate the
| > format-time-string when you want it to. Org usually does The Right Thing.
| >
| But even org cannot perform miracles !-) Somebody has to "force the thunk" | in order for delayed evaluation to work. You'd need something like this
| patch:
| --- a/lisp/org-remember.el
| +++ b/lisp/org-remember.el
| @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ to be run from that hook to function properly."
|                  (functionp (nth 1 entry))))
|                 (nth 1 entry)
|               org-default-notes-file))
| -         (headline (nth 2 entry))
| +         (headline (eval (nth 2 entry)))
|           (v-c (and (> (length kill-ring) 0) (current-kill 0)))
|           (v-x (or (org-get-x-clipboard 'PRIMARY)
|                (org-get-x-clipboard 'CLIPBOARD)
| This should work in simple cases (in particular, because the headline is | a string and strings evaluate to themselves, so it should not adversely affect | any existing template), but I certainly have not thought about repercussions | (including the possibility of *very* obscure bugs because somebody mistyped | something in the template - that would be a maintenance nightmare that Carsten
| might not be willing to take on).
| Thanks,
| Nick


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