That odd new character just showed up after a normal daily org-mode 'git pull'.

The Symbola.ttf font worked fine.
I used this page for for instructions.

After copying the font to ~/.local/share/font/ and running the 'fc-cache -vf' command
... The font appears after emacs + org-mode are restarted.
(I did not need to run set-fontset-font.)

Somewhere in there I also pulled fresh org-mode and emacs code and rebuilt; am not sure if that was needed.

Here is how that screen now appears:

 * Would using the ASCII '<' character be a better solution?
 * Is anyone else seeing this issue and missing font?
 * What would allow that Symbola font to be available?
 * Is that Symbola font, or equivalent, now a true dependency? Or is
   there something more common which I should be using? (Perhaps I have
   missed a normal configuration step?)

Thank you!

On 7/12/22 12:58, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:

Daniel Ortmann writes:

Any clues where this particular symbol resides?  A hint about the
package name would wonderful.  :-)
To be able to display "unusual" symbols in Emacs, I usually use the
symbola font:

You can download it here:;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!LCWutd87ZOlNkSgFTjjR0zYsqhv6xP6ZBep63lyK7tIveH2MWiQ331YB8rJexEVU6gjcjT99EdYoJvFPvxABlZvT$
And then:

(set-fontset-font t 'symbol (font-spec :family "Symbola"))

But I think that what is interesting here is to know how that character
has arrived. Could it be related to some new package you have installed

Best regards,

Juan Manuel

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