
The following works nicely
* Over
  :ID:       ef19f286-8769-4fe7-8f95-8167691257a0
  :COLUMNS:  %5TODO(Status) %5NR(Nr)
  :foo:      Over
  :NEW:      [0/3]
** TODO Test
   :Sent:     [X]
   :New:      [ ]

** WAIT Test2
   :Sent:     [X]
   :New:      [ ]

** TODO Test3
   :Sent:     [ ]
   :New:      [ ]

#+BEGIN: columnview :maxlevel 2 :skip-empty-rows t :hlines 1 :indent nil  
:format "%5TODO(Status) %5Sent(Sent){X/} %New(New){X/}"
| Status | Sent  | New   |
|        | [2/3] | [0/3] |
| TODO   | [X]   | [ ]   |
| WAIT   | [X]   | [ ]   |
| TODO   | [ ]   | [ ]   |

However if I have very many Properties that table can get very wide.

Is there any function that would convert these headings into simple lists with 
sublist, such as

1. TODO Test
   1. [X] Sent
   2. [ ] New
2. TODO Test2
   1. [X] Sent
   2. [ ] New
3. TODO Test3
   1. [X] Sent
   2. [ ] New

I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the ban of Russia from SWIFT.
I support the EU membership of the Ukraine. 

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