Thank you for your feedback, Ihor!

> Most importantly, the patch does not change the default value of
> org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml. :results header arg is set to
> "file" by default.

Yes, I noticed this issue also.

> The solution will be simply removing the default :results setting.

I think you're suggesting something like this:

(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml
  '((:exports . "results"))
  "Default arguments for evaluating a plantuml source block.")

With this change, if you *do* add a :file arg, like in the following
example, then no output will be produced:

#+begin_src plantuml :file "this.png"
  Bob->Alice : Hello1!


which is also wrong.

What would the code look like if we wanted to change the
org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml variable inside the
org-babel-execute:plantuml function based on the value of the params
arg? Or perhaps you have a different solution?

Once we straighten this issue out, I am happy to resubmit the updated
patch with your suggested style changes.



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