emacs--- via "General discussions about Org-mode."
<emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> writes:

> My use case is very niche and be solved by changing my custom latex date 
> command by renaming it as for example \mydate.
> Adding extra options like with_date:nil seems overkill for this small issue. 

I agree; I think we shouldn't change basic behavior for more advanced
usages unless it's something many people are interested in and we keep a
backward compatibility.

> A second option would be is to analyze the data format in the org file.
> If for example the date is specified as 
> #+date: {day}{something}

The thing is \date is a macro with one parameter, a string. That's way
\date{} doesn't do anything and \date{\today} prints today's date where
\today return today's date as a string. Starting to introduce new kinds
of inputs - e.g. {y}{m}{d} - to the \date macro would just confuse
people, I think.


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