reza <> writes:

>> They way to work around the problem is providing explicit name anchor to
>> the results block:
>> ------------
>> #+name: html transformation
>> #+begin_src plantuml :file img/transformation-html.svg :exports results 
>> :mkdirp yes
>>     file org
>>     file html
>>     org -> html : org-html-publish-to-html
>> #+end_src
>> #+name: html transformation result
>> #+RESULTS: html transformation
>> [[file:img/transformation-html.svg]]
>> Now I want to include an internal link to this figure with [[html
>> transformation result]]. This works now.
>> ------------
>> Though I do agree that the current behaviour is not intuitive in this
>> specific scenario. When a user provides :exports results, it would make
>> sense to inherit all the affiliated keywords, including #+name and
>> possibly various #+attr_* to the results of evaluation.
>> On the other hand, inheriting may be tricky. I can imagine situations
>> when such inheritance is not desired and a user actually prefers to
>> state the results keywords manually.
>> I am not sure what would be the best way to handle the situation at hand
>> while not breaking the other :exports variants.
> Shall I file a bug report? As a beginner I assumed that the name tag 
> gets carried over to the result and I still think it is a sensible 
> solution, but I could imagine that is perhaps not a very explicit behavior.

This email is already a bug report :)

However, we cannot just blindly carry over the name tag to the result.

Consider a case when you have ":results both" in your src block. Where
should the [[html transformation]] link refer to? The src block? The
resulting image?


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