reza <> writes:

> when running the following code
> #+header: :file "absolute-distance.pdf"
> #+header: :results file drawer :exports results :fit yes :border 0cm
> #+header: :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}")
> #+begin_src latex
>    \usetikzlibrary{positioning}
>    \begin{tikzpicture}
>      \node[circle,fill,label=above:$P_1$,node font=\Large] (point1) at 
> (0,0) {};
>      \node[circle,fill,label=above:$P_2$,node font=\Large] (point2) at 
> (3,0) {};
>      \draw[latex-latex] (point1) -- (point2);
>    \end{tikzpicture}
> #+end_src
> everything runs fine and a pdf file gets produced. But when I change the 
> file header to "absolute-distance.svg" an error occurs and no output 
> gets produced. Find attached the tex file and the log of the compilation.


svg generation takes a completely different code branch compared to pdf
in ox-latex.el. I am not sure why. Hopefully, someone more familiar with
ox-latex and LaTeX in general can chime in.

Ihor Radchenko,
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