Max Nikulin <> writes:

> I hope that selenium is currently overkill, however more sites are 
> starting to use anti-DDOS shields like cloudflare and HTTP client may be 
> banned just because it does not fetch other resources like JS scripts.

Such links are to be considered dead for the purposes of Org manual.
We must not link websites that cannot be opened without running non-free
JS. It is according to GNU Documentation Standards.

> I do not have a patch, just an idea: export backend that ignores 
> everything besides link and either send requests from lisp code or 
> generate file for another tool.
> #+attr_linklint: ...
> may be used to specify regexp that target page is expected to contain. 
> There are some complications like e.g. "info:" links having special code 
> to generate HTML with URL derived from original path. So it may be more 
> robust to parse HTML document (without checking of linked document text).

Yes, the most robust way will be simply extracting links from the html
version of the manual and testing them using whatever method is

Ihor Radchenko,
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