Ihor Radchenko writes on Wed 31 Aug 2022 09:57:

 > This is not a bug. Just unintuitive syntax:
 > [...]
 > The important part is: It ends at the next footnote definition,
 > headline, or after two consecutive empty lines.
 > So, your example is
 > foo[fn:1]
 > <begin footnote-definition>[fn:1] bar
 > #+begin_example ;; <- this is not considered an example block because no
 > major org elements can be inside a footnote definition.
 > <end footnote-definition after two empty lines>
 > <begin paragraph>x
 > #+end_example
 > <end paragraph>

Thanks a lot for answering.

Is there an official definition for "major org element" ? (I could not
find anything relevant in the manual.)

I guess a headline would qualify (and it would not have occurred to me
to use a headline within a footnote; the manual is clear in that
respect anyway).

But then a list item would probably qualify as well?  But, as far as I
can see, lists and footnotes work perfectly well together... (because
2 consecutive empty lines also mark the end of a list item?)

Furthermore, as long as there is not more than one empty line in a
row, blocks also appear to me to work just fine within footnotes,
including upon latex export, and I use things like the following all
the time:

   #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fancyvrb}
   #+LATEX_HEADER: \VerbatimFootnotes

   [fn:1] note 
   #+begin_src fortran

I simply never had to use 2 consecutive empty lines in blocks up to

So I guess I'll turn my "suspected bug" into a feature request: that
#+BEGIN ... #+END blocks behave the same way whether they are within a
footnote or not.


EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
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