
After some search today on the web, like Alan i try to compare all possibility to manage my contact + mail using emacs, mu4e, and org.

Since Alan Schmitt message, i think many people jump into the great *org-roam* wagon to manage notes, bibliography, links, everything...

I'm into this *crazy* wagon, trying now to manage contact, with this workflow :

- one file/node by contact,
- stored into the org-roam specific folder "/myorgroamfolder/contact/ with this encrypted org pattern to protect files "*.org.gpg"
- using into mu4e

There are some post exploring part of this use case on the web, but i first focus to *org-contacts*, because it's well integrated with mu4e auto-completion :

Moving from org-contrib to https://repo.or.cz/org-contacts.git , accessible with melpa,  the documentation is mostly into the source-code actually, i found few example on the web .

What property field are correct :MOBILE:, :PHONE:, :BIRTHDAY: , and ?

I found some information about configuration in Terencio Agozzino dotfiles (https://github.com/rememberYou/.emacs.d) but when i try to adapt to this use case, that don't work, probably because i misunderstand something, about properties name, or localization into the .org.gpg files.

I config like that (org-contacts-file (file-expand-wildcards "~/my-org-roam-folder/contact/*.org.gpg))

It's slow because everything need to be unencrypted before (this is another problem ...) but something i don't understand is how matching work : calling "M-x org-contacts", i try multiple patterns, so i'm interested by a working org/org-roam contact example.

I found some alternatives to test next week :

- org-vcard (on github) compatible with org-contacts, focusing on import/export of vcard files
- mu4e-contacts (on gitlab) using helm / mu4e, inspired by org-contacts
- org-ql query ?


Sebastien R.C

Le 27/02/2021 à 12:08, Alan Schmitt a écrit :

This may be slightly off-topic for the list, but as I’m considering
org-contacts for my question, I hope it will be of interest here.

I would like to migrate my contact management to emacs, as I’m already
using it for email. My requirements are the following ones:
- address completion in emacs email clients (I currently use notmuch)
- support for multiple email addresses and custom fields
- creation of org links to contacts
- export to vcard format for synchronization to my mobile phone (using
- keep the data under version control

I have looked at two tools, which almost seem fit for the job.
- ebdb does most of this, with the exception of vcard export (it seems
to be worked on, https://github.com/girzel/ebdb/issues/60), and I’m not
sure using version control on an sqlite file is a good idea.
- org-contacts also seem to have all the required features, including
vcard export (and if not sufficient there is
https://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard). I was worried it was
unmaintained when looking at the copyright line, but I see in
that there are recent commits to the file.

Do you manage your contacts in emacs? And if so, what tools or workflow
do you recommend?



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