
Christophe Schockaert <r3vli...@citadels.eu> writes:

> If I am right (I am playing with the config, it’s not in my daily setup yet 
> for
> now), I could achieve this by defining "org-agenda-custom-commands" as shown 
> in
> the "Projects" example :
> https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/blob/master/examples.org#projects.
> In that case, "org-super-agenda-groups" is defined differently according to 
> the
> context, so the "time-grid" captures the timed entries in its scope. Then,
> "org-super-agenda-groups" applies to the TODOs in the "todo" or "alltodo"
> context (I used the latter one) where I don’t define the "time-grid"
> selection. Or, maybe I applied it to the "alltodo" only, and discarded it for
> the agenda grid to work only on the TODOs. I don’t remember exactly, however
> this might be a workaround to try that does not need an update of the code,
> especially if it is not expected to be stable and supported by the author.

great. That looks very promising, and without the need to change the
source code. I will try it later on and report back.

Ángel de Vicente
 Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData)
 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (https://www.iac.es/en)

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