Tyler Grinn <tylergr...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've built this small package which registers a todo type link:
> [[todo:~/projects.org::#my-todo][My todo]]
> And it is displayed like this:
> <DONE> My todo
> Where DONE is the actual todo keyword on the target heading. The keyword
> on the link and target stay in sync, so setting a different todo keyword
> either on the link or the target will update both. The link does not
> show up in the agenda and can be placed anywhere an org link is valid.
> I'm using this to create a list of todos I want done today from a larger
> list of all my todos.

Why don't just modify :activate-func in the ordinary file links?

> Is this something that would be appropriate for org-contrib?

Note that org-contrib is obsolete. See

I recommend submitting your package to GNU ELPA or NonGNU ELPA.

> When I tried to register a :store function which is valid for org buffers
> backed by a file, the desired behavior was that I could choose between
> storing a file link and a todo link, but instead, it simply stores a
> todo link without confirmation. Is this a known problem?

See org-store-link-functions docstring:

>> Each function will be called in turn until one returns a non-nil
>> value.  Each function should check if it is responsible for
>> creating this link (for example by looking at the major mode).
>> If not, it must exit and return nil.  If yes, it should return
>> a non-nil value after calling org-link-store-props with a list
>> of properties and values.

Your store function can provide interactive query and return nil if the
user does not want to create todo: link.

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode.org/.
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