Ihor Radchenko writes:

> I do not like this idea.
> Please remember that headlines may be exported as parts, sections,
> subsections, list items, or paragraphs depending on the headline level.
> Arbitrary pre/post commands may unexpectedly break things during export.

I don't see why, if the user knows LaTeX and knows what he/she is doing.
Sometimes it's just adding an "\addtocontents" just before the
section/subsection,etc. The property that adds the string before and the
property that adds the string after are understood to affect the entire
heading at the current level and its contents, including lower levels.
For example, if someone wants the current heading (and all its
sublevels) not to be included in the TOC but to be included in the
headers of the pages, it would suffice to (I keep here the original name
of the properties that I proposed in the patch, but I think Maxim's
proposed name is more accurate):


* Section
  :presec:  \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
  :presec+:  \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}\ignorespaces}
  :postsec: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}
  :postsec+: \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\ignorespaces}
Lorem ipsum dolor.

** Subsection one

** Subsection two

Which would pass to LaTeX as:


Lorem ipsum dolor.
\subsection{Subsection one}
\subsection{Subsection two}


(The above can even be simplified from LaTeX by defining a simple
environment, but I've exemplified it like this to make it look better).

In what situations might this return unexpected results?

> However, I do agree that per-heading control over latex export is
> currently cumbersome.
> The canonical ox-latex approach to customize headline export is
> org-latex-classes variable. This variable defines (among other things)
> pre/post commands during headline export:

Apologies in advance if I misunderstood what you're suggesting, but
isn't the "org-latex-classes" property supposed to affect the structure
of the entire document? What I'm proposing here is rather something
specific to particular headings (and its entire content), like the
":ALT_TITLE:" property. If I understand correctly, what you are
suggesting is that org-latex-classes can have "local values" for
specific headings, if such headings are 'marked' with some property?

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías 




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