Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:
>> One thing I do find frustrating these days is the fracturing of
>> communications across so many different solutions. Makes me really miss
>> newsgroups! It seems like almost every project I'm interested in these
>> days is using a different solution for IM. (one reason I stopped using
>> IRC was because most of the projects I was interested in stopped using
>> it or the majority of interesting discussions moved to some other platform).
> There are also bridges from * to IRC. See
> https://web.archive.org/web/20220607072519/https://200ok.ch/posts/2019-11-01_irc_and_emacs_all_the_things.html
> https://wiki.bitlbee.org/
>> To avoid a proliferation of IM apps, I get the impression you could use
>> Matrix and get access to many different messaging environments. Is this
>> correct and is the Emacs matrix client mature/stable?
> Emacs matrix client is ement.el developed by @alphapapa. It has been
> recently released on GNU ELPA. So, you can see it as stable enough.
> However, Matrix protocol itself is not yet stable. Something to keep in
> mind.

OK, thanks. Will check out those links.....

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