Bastien <> writes:

> But then at some point we will have two problems: we will need to
> spend energy encouraging these Discourse users send their patches to
> the mailing list and people on this ML who are mostly here to help
> others will have to split their time and attention between the ML and
>, because both will be official support channels
> for the Org community.

Maybe we don't need to split time checking both Discourse and Mailing
list, because Discourse comes with a 'mailing list mode':

Admittedly I am yet to try it, but it can also provide filtering to mute
particular categories so they don't clutter your mailbox :)

Replying to discourse notification emails has worked well in my
experience, and there are apparently ways to create new posts by sending
emails as well:

Perhaps we can check if it is indeed possible to bridge both Discourse
and mailing list seamlessly (or close enough). There are some issues
with extra chrome and clutter in discourse notifications, but these 2
links are what I found in 5 minutes of googling. A more thorough
research might just yield what we desire.


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