On Tue, 27 Sep 2022 01:10:49 +1000
Matt Beshara <m...@mfa.pw> wrote:

> > ^L is not a part of Org specification for paragraph separators.
> > According to 
> > https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html#Paragraphs,
> > paragraph boundaries should either be empty lines, or beginning 
> > of other
> > Org elements.  
> Fair enough.  If the consensus from others is that ^L should be 
> recognised as a paragraph separator and the code is eventually 
> written to make that work, that would be nice, but as it stands I 
> can just start adding newlines after ^L.
> Thanks for your work on Org mode!
> Matt

Actually ^L is a *page* separator (to be exact “FORM FEED”).

Best regards

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