Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

> The bilingual critical edition (ancient Greek/Spanish) of the letters of
> Demosthenes and Aeschines has recently been published in Spain, a book
> whose production and typesetting I have taken charge of, using Org and
> Org-publish. Although I already have a long experience typesetting
> bilingual editions of a certain complexity, especially for philological
> use, I had never done it until now by centralizing the entire process in
> Org-Mode. I have to say that it has been a very interesting experience,
> so I leave here below a brief description of the process and some tips,
> in case they can be useful to someone who wants to prepare from Org
> bilingual texts with facing pages and certain complexity.
> BTW, Here’s a sample of two pages from the book:
> <https://i.imgur.com/XUOGEnf.png>

Thanks for sharing!

This post appears to be a nice fit for
https://orgmode.org/worg/org-blog-articles.html (except non-permanent
imgur links). Do you have an Org version? Or maybe an actual blog post?

> To compile the two PDFs separately and get the PDF in sync, I also do it
> from Org using a shell source block. So I have all PDFs always
> synchronized up to date. The synchronized PDF is obtained with pdftk:
> <https://i.imgur.com/qbSg2po.png>

I notice two things here:

1. \clearpage command, which reminds me about
   May it be useful to have page break syntax element in Org?

2. You had to use direct LaTeX for caption. Can we do something to make
   the #+caption keywords more useful?

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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