Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 29/09/2022 00:08, Tim Cross wrote:
>> 1. Org mode cannot be used to create accessible PDF documents as long as
>> it depends on the latex environment to generate those documents.
> Are there free tools that can generate accessible PDF documents? Perhaps, 
> when it is
> mandatory requirement, export through HTML or through ODT may be a workaround 
> till
> reasonable support will be implemented in LaTeX. I have no idea concerning 
> quality of PDF
> documents generated by e.g. browsers.

There are tools which are free in the sense of free beer, but no tools
I'm aware of which are free in the sense of freedom. The company which
has probably done the most to make PDF files accessible is Adobe and
they do provide a lot of good documentation and some pretty reasonable
tools which can help with diagnosis etc. Unfortunately, their position
wrt software liberty is poor. 

> Are there free tools that allows to inspect PDF files structure similar to 
> DOM inspector
> from browser development tools? Otherwise it is inconvenient to check effects 
> of code
> modification or to compare result with sample files formatted accordingly to 
> guidelines.

Similar to above, but none which are free in the libre sense that I'm
aware of.

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