Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Agree. Let's not go too far yet and focus on extending special blocks
> and the inline special block element I propose. These topics (especially
> for markup element with less edge cases) pop up on the Org ML from time
> to time and worth looking into regardless whether Org is going to be
> used as technical documentation format.


I'm confident your across the concerns I raised and if I understand your
proposal correctly, adding support for the markup entities RMS
requested should be possible without any significant adverse impact on
existing usability. Greater clarity regarding the underlying drive for
changing from texinfo for Emacs would be good, but that is essentially
and emacs devel question and as you point out, ability to support the
additional elements identified by RMS would potentially address other
issues, such as spaces, quoting and nesting within existing markup.

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