
Ihor Radchenko writes:
Thanks for the clarification!
I did not mean to reduce the font size in affiliated keywords.
I was referring to replacing the display of affiliated keywords:

#+name: A classic
#+tag: easy

will be displayed by Emacs as

#+... A classic :easy:

The underlying text will not be changed.
The hidden parts will be revealed upon cursor entering the affiliated

Perhaps something like
#+... name: A classic tag: easy
might be used for any kind of keyword. That'd be quite the trick.

It would certainly improve the situation when an element has several
keywords, but I'm not sure how common that is.

I'll look into implementing such #+name and #+tag keywords, when I
have the time.

On an unrelated note, how is your work on revamping org's
fontification going, if I may ask ? I had had a look at your repo, but
since adapting my configuration would have required some effort I did
not try it.

Sébastien Miquel

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