Hi Max,

Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:

> Bastien, I have not tried full configuration, but after a quick check
> I believe that it is a reasonable suggestion. It prevents 301
> redirection from valid URLs like
> https://orgmode.org/manual/Links-in-HTML-export.html
> to
> https://orgmode.org/manual/HTML-Export.html

Indeed, thanks for the heads up.

> In addition I would consider
>     location /manual/ {
>     }
> around the rewrite directives to prevent unintentional false positives
> in e.g. worg.

Yes -- there is also location /guide/.

Not that if we use "/manual/" with the ending slash in the location
directive, I don't think the "/" is needed at the beginning of, say,
"HTML-Export.html" to disambiguate.

I completely reviewed the nginx configuration again and updated it
on Worg:  https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/worg/commit/601ebf48



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