The recent addition of the `org-latex-line-break-safe' constant makes it
impossible to compile verse blocks. The reason is that now a \\ is
inserted between each stanza (aka each paragraph), instead of the
`\vspace{1em}' as before. That's wrong, as this compile error message

A \newline or \\ command appears between paragraphs, where it makes no
sense. If you're trying to ``leave a blank line'', use a \vspace

You can test yourself with this example:

lorem ipsum dolor
lorem ipsum dolor

lorem ipsum dolor
lorem ipsum dolor

lorem ipsum dolor
lorem ipsum dolor

On the other hand, I have a few reservations about the usefulness of
org-latex-line-break-safe. To begin with, it is a particular solution
applied in a general way. This can have unexpected consequences, as has
happened in verse blocks. It's like putting your whole body in a
cast because of a broken finger.

I think if the reason for this addition is to prevent problems with
square brackets, in certain contexts, why not just apply a point
solution? For example, putting {[}, which is a common LaTeX way to
protect a square bracket. Use a macro, for example, or even
define a new entity, something like:

(setq org-entities-user
      '(("lbrack" "{[}" nil "[" "[" "[" "[")
        ("rbrack" "{]}" nil "]" "]" "]" "]")))

And finally, I think that applying a general solution to this problem is
something that should be done(IMHO) in LaTeX and not in Org, for
example, with some new package that would protect certain signs or
through ad hoc LaTeX/Lua code.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Juan Manuel Macías

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