Please provide more details on what you have tried.
M-x table-insert 5 columns 5 rows 15 cell width 1 height

Then enter something in first cell. press tab to go to next cell, but then message appears with C-c ’ (copy-pasted it from messages buffer) shortcut. I can edit table after pressing C-c ', in orgsrc mode, with very limited functionality and it just doesn't work well, table doesn't shrink after deleting text etc.

Also, I noticed that horizontal table lines (|-----+-----|) are not properly recognized too and instead of inserting new cells below line, they are inserted above when moving by <tab>. The funny part is that this works in emacs with my configuration loaded (valign-mode and variable pitch font might matter) so it works well when it could be expected to break, and is broken in pure emacs (but only horizontal lines, top and bottom border still breaks table even with valign). Of course with emacs -q I test on monospace font.

with point at the top left cell, after C-c ', I can <TAB> across cells
in the edit buffer.
Yes, in orgsrc mode (after clicking this shortcut, C-c ') it's possible, but it should work in org, also as I previously mentioned, orgsrc table editing is limited and doesn't work properly.

On 27.10.2022 05:36, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Hi. Tables created in org-mode by inserting manually | works fine, but
if I use table-insert I can't manipulate table, I get "use C-c `"
notification in minibuffer when I click <tab> to move to next cell.
"C-c '", not C-c `.

If I click C-c `, I get "not a table" response. In such tables I can
only insert text but not use shortcuts and they're generally broken. I
tried it on emacs -q and it looks it's not my configuration fault,
same behavior.
Please provide more details on what you have tried.

I tried

     |              |      |                                |
     |              |      |                                |
     |              |      |Text editing inside the table   |
     |              |      |cell produces reasonably        |
     |              |      |expected results.-!-            |
     |              |      |                                |
     |              |      |                                |

with point at the top left cell, after C-c ', I can <TAB> across cells
in the edit buffer.

Also, there seems to be problem with handling top and bottom borders,
if I insert
(for example, 3 column table) +-+-+ at the top or bottom of a working table,
it breaks to exactly same state as command-inserted tables, so probably
top and bottom border handling breaks tables (command created tables
does have this borders).
Sorry, I do not understand what you are referring two. Detailed steps
explaining what text you inserted and what key bindings you pressed
would help a lot.

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