You can put it anywhere you like--you can even have as many as you want:

$ emacs -l /somedirectory/init1.el -l /someotherdirectory/init2.el

Realize the default "init.el" is actually ~/.emacs so just ensure that your
init.el file(s) don't conflict with it and/or throw the "-q" switch which
ignores it

On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 1:59 PM Renato Pontefice <>

> To try to solve my prob on emacs on Mac osx, I’ve uninstalled and re
> installe emacs (after have save my init.el that have some customization).
> Now I would use this old init.el but I don’t know where th actual emacs
> looks for init.el.
> Can you suggest me where I can look for?
> Renato

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