Michael Welle <mwe012...@gmx.net> writes:

> I want to export to different output formats. Trouble is the way ox-gfm
> exports images. So I thought, hm, why not utilise macros to abstract away
> the differences. Well, that escalated quickly:
> #+macro: img_gfm (eval (concat "#+begin_export md\n![img](" $1 " \"" $2  
> "\")\n*Abb.: " $2 "* (Quelle: " $3 ")\n#+end_export"))
> #+macro: img_latex (eval "foobar")
> # Image export for Github flavoured markdown
> # $1 path to image
> # $2 caption
> # $3 source
> #+macro: img (eval (cl-case org-export-current-backend ('gfm (concat 
> "{{{img_gfm(" $1 "," $2 "," $3")}}}")) ('latex "{{{img_latex}}}") (t 
> "barfoo")))
> {{{img(./foo, foo, barfoo)}}}
> That kind of works (and breaks if I want commas in the caption)

Re: commas. See 13.5 Macro Replacement

   (1) Since commas separate the arguments, commas within arguments have
to be escaped with the backslash character.  So only those backslash
characters before a comma need escaping with another backslash

> , but is
> ugly as... and doesn't get better if I implement the other output formats.

Agree. The proper way to implement this is special blocks + custom
export filter that will take care about backend selection.

Also, see https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87y1yr9gbl....@gmail.com/
referring to https://github.com/alhassy/org-special-block-extras/

> Maybe syntax like @@latex: ...@@ would help. But no, I think that is
> defined in the specific backends, not as a general mechanism.

You can have multiple export blocks---one for each backend.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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