I have done this line on my renato.org file:

** TODO  prova di domenica <2022-10-31 Mon 19:35>

So for today at 19:35 I should have an entry in agenda. Isn’t it?

But, If I press C-a a
I receive this agenda:

Week-agenda (W44):
Monday     31 October 2022 W44
Tuesday     1 November 2022
Wednesday   2 November 2022
Thursday    3 November 2022
Friday      4 November 2022
Saturday    5 November 2022
Sunday      6 November 2022

With nothing on 31 October.
I’m wondering: where do my init.el must reside to let emacs read it?
Because on my Mac, I have on .emacs.d folder an nit.el here 
With that entry:
;;-------------------------- file utilizzati  per TODO list in Agenda
(setq org-agenda-files
      '( "/Volumes/renato07/renato.org"

Is not that the file that emacs read?



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