I am using Org mode for presentation and would like to use it's tables
for presentation only.

In particular I need the function org-table-align to align the table
in presentation mode.

The Org buffer is updated with results of the below embedded
functions. I can't use Org mode directly as many various expenses are
connected to together.

If it is possible to "jump backwards to Org table" and invoke
org-table-align, I could do that with subsequent function, is it?

This is what is being processed:

------------- snippet

⟦ (ignore (setq my-total 0)) ⟧
⟦ (ignore (defun my-add (n) (setq my-total (+ my-total n)) n)) ⟧

** Monthly Expenses

| Description                              | Value                |
| Communications and Reporting Officer I/C | ⟦ (my-add 600000) ⟧  |
| Prospecting Staff member                 | ⟦ (my-add 450000) ⟧  |
| Prospecting Staff member                 | ⟦ (my-add 450000) ⟧  |
| Food for workers on project              | ⟦ (my-add 900000) ⟧  |
| Transport Expenses                       | ⟦ (my-add 1000000) ⟧ |
| Rental                                   | ⟦ (my-add 300000) ⟧  |
| TOTAL                                    | ⟦ my-total ⟧         |

------------- snippet

This is what I get in presentation:

| Description                              | Value                |
| Communications and Reporting Officer I/C | 600000  |
| Prospecting Staff member                 | 450000  |
| Prospecting Staff member                 | 450000  |
| Food for workers on project              | 900000  |
| Transport Expenses                       | 1000000 |
| Rental                                   | 300000  |
| TOTAL                                    | 3700000         |

other solution could be to iterate over Org tables to align them.

Anything that exists currently?


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