On Thu, Nov 03 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> The rules are in 
> https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Legally-Significant
> Shuguang Sun contributed TINYCHANGE (no need for copyright assignment;
>    though he contributed ~15LOC and it is on the edge)
> Martin R. Albrecht also contributed TINYCHANGE
> Alex Branham -- TINYCHANGE
> aikrahguzar -- TINYCHANGE
> AndrĂ¡s Simonyi has copyright assignment (see
>   https://orgmode.org/worg/contributors.html)
> And you have the copyright assignment

How did you determine this, if I may ask? aikrahguzar's contribution at first
sight seems more involved, though I admit part of those changes is stuff being
moved around.

> I see no obstacles to go for ELPA, unless you have strong reasons to
> avoid asking copyright assignment for future contributors.

No, I don't have reasons to avoid that.

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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