I've got a few problems with R source blocks that I can't figure out. They started late last month, I think. I'm running Emacs and Org from the development trees, refreshing and recompiling regularly. ESS (the package for working with R) is up to date too.

Here's one big problem. I have a file, /home/wtd/books/reading/test-r.org, and in it is this R block:

# -----

#+begin_src R :session R:testing :results value

# -----

If I execute that with C-c C-c, the R session buffer starts, but in the wrong working directory. This is in the R session buffer, reported by ESS:

# -----


# -----

It's in the directory *above* where the Org file is! It should be in /home/wtd/books/reading/.

I copied the test file to /tmp/r/test/, and it's fine there. The session's working directory is /tmp/r/test/, not /tmp/r/.

Something strange is going on, but I can't see why. Is there some way I can see all the steps that are happening when I hit C-c C-c on that code block? Or maybe there's some other way to figure it out? Any suggestions welcome.



William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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