incidentally, if you want empty hunk headers, you can do this at least
in my version of git:

      xfuncname = " "

but idk why it works and i had had it commented out.

On 11/21/22, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
> p.s.  hunk header munging does not unmingle [i.e. group changes by org
> header in magit status buffer diffs] :(.  but it is true that what i
> want is some kind of preference given by magit to org entries as
> demarcated by org headings.
> idk if what i want is in principle possible or not in standard diff or
> git diff.  that is, idk if they could be patched to accept an arg that
> would allow you to specify that org entries should be preserved if
> possible or something like that.
> great to know difftastic can in principle be coded to do what i want,
> however.  so maybe soetime you could tell git to use.
> org hunk headers are rather nice looking.  on the other hand, it gets
> the previous header, even if not the parent header.  i think this is
> why i had the impression that git was in principle incapable of org
> hunk header text of the type i wanted.  but hunk header text is not
> something i use a lot.  it's rather nice looking, but in some cases i
> prefer empty hunk headers.
> On 11/12/22, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
>> i have a very old version of Magit, for reasons I won't get into.
>> Fancier diff settings might be differnet or not available.
>> But something drives me crazy.  Probably not too Org-related, but it
>> might be.  I just want to know why, is all.
>> I have a 24k line org file, and it's not that complex wrt levels.  2
>> or 3 levels with odd stars only.  various types of content.
>> someplace in it, is an entry with a  234-item plain list.  if i try to
>> move this entry, and make no other changes, diff goes insane.  if i
>> try to refile this entry to a different org file, diff similarly goes
>> insane, with the - part.  only that change.
>> ok, what it does is, intersperse or mingle entries.  so suppose i want
>> to stage this one tiny little change, namely moving one entry [the one
>> with the large plain list] to a different location in the same file.
>> even if i move it really distantly.
>> i.e. i want to put the - and the + of the move to the staging area in
>> magit.  unstaged changes should then not have this file in it at all
>> after the staging operations.
>> then, basically, staged changes will have this move.
>> as a user, i want diff to make this two hunks, a big - and a big +.
>> but diff mingles parts of another entry or entries with this list, so
>> that it is scattered all over the diff.  to get the result i want
>> requires tons of intra-hunk stage operations.  at best.
>> so, what aspect of diff or org is triggering this kind of behavior?
>> what is it that diff needs to understand about org, or what minimality
>> etc. settings does it want to create a better diff?
>> i know org has lots of similar lines [e.g. planning headers with
>> scheduled dates that are identical].  but still, this is a nontrivial
>> size org file, with no other changes that i made. diff's insanity
>> still occurs even if i move the entry distantly.
>> i am of course aware of histogram, patience, etc. and that git diff
>> has a few experimental choices of options.  also long ago i read diff
>> manual with its discussion of end of file beg of file and minimality
>> with --minimal and all that stuff.
>> however, here, though, i am mostly interested in specifically what
>> diff's, or git diff's, or magit's, /deal/ is.  in /this/ case.
>> where does it get off doing that?  everything else is the same, so why
>> is it keying on the wrong thing?
>> does it think i made the changes as it presents them, or does it go
>> for some other goal like minimality or speed and not really care what
>> i did?  is it because it e.g. ignores end or beg of file or so?  or is
>> it getting confused by some line?
>> i have of course heard of merge something or others.  which presumably
>> tell diff about the structure of files or so.  like, the fact that the
>> planning line always follows the header.  or perhaps i am imagining
>> this kind of tool.
>> now, whether i can mitigte it is interesting /after/ that.  my
>> paleolithic magit version might not be capable, but still.
>> --
>> The Kafka Pandemic
>> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:

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