Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> Rudolf, I have applied your patch onto main with amendments.

Thank you!

> I have replaced "MathJax 4" instances with "MathJax 3". I guess it was
> a typo.

The patch (correctly) distinguishes between:

- MathJax 2 that we deprecated,
- MathJax 3 that we now use by default, and
- MathJax 4 that we support but do *not* use by default.

Most notably, MathJax 4 *re*-adds the support for (1) custom fonts and
(2) line breaks.  From the manual:

> Further, if you need to use a non-default ~font~ or ~linebreaks~ (now
> +~overflow~), then the ~path~ must point to MathJax 4 or later.

(The docstring also explicitly documents the two options as requiring
MathJax 4+.)

Even though MathJax 4 have yet to see a stable release, the patch works
with it, and the tests exercise every MathJax 4+ option as well.


(1) we can keep all the customization options from before,

(2) the more advanced users can use MathJax 4+ if they wish, and

(3) Org will need zero-to-none updates when 4 comes out [*].

[*]: In the expected case, we just updating the `path'.

"Thinking is a momentary dismissal of irrelevancies."
-- Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1969

Rudolf Adamkovič <salu...@me.com> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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