Paul Schlesinger <> writes:

> Have been using org mode for more than 10 years and package manager since 
> emacs 26.  When I moved to emacs
> 28, the included org package was 9.4x and a nag message to install org from 
> the elpa repository appeared everytime
> an org file is processed.  I run emacs on windows and list-packages does not 
> show and "org" package to install
> although there are many "org-xxx" packages.  Suggestions appreciated!
> Paul H. Schlesinger MD, PhD
> Washington University School of Medicine
> Don't let your models of reality become confused with reality itself.

What is the setting for your package-archive variable? This is the
variable which tells Emacs what package archives to use. The default is

'(("gnu" . "";)
 ("nongnu" . "";))

You need to ensure the above two entries are in the list for
package-archive. Note that you may also have other repositories, such as
melpa, but you should have the two above repositories as a minimum.

It is also possible you have something in your .emacs or init.el file
which is preventing package.el from performing correctly. There has been
some evolution/refinement in package.el since it was first released and
I've seen users have problems because of old configuration settings in
their init file which are no longer compatible.

These days, with modern Emacs versions, you don't need to have any
package.el configuration in your init.el to get basic operations to
work. Therefore, if your still encountering problems, I would start by
commenting out any configuration relating to package.el. The only
configuration code many people now have for package.el is code to add
additional ELPA repositories, like MELPA, to the package-archive list. 

Finally, note that the one big change which did happen wrt org is that
org is no longer distributed via a separate private org ELPA
repository. The org package is now distributed via GNU ELPA (first entry
in above setting) and the contrib package in NONGNU ELPA (second entry
above). If your configuration is old enough, you may have code which is
'pinning' Emacs/package.el to only use the old
repositories. Therefore, highly recommend you review your init.el.

Finally, as it has been a while since you updated, don't forget to go
through the NEWS file. There is likely to be changes that may be a
surprise or require adjustments to your work flow and being aware of
them can save a lot of time.

good luck.

  • User Paul Schlesinger
    • Re: User Tim Cross
    • Re: User Jeremie Juste

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