Thanks for looking at this. You've fixed the org-toggle-inline-images problem, but the image generation and display problem is still there for me.

Here's a one-liner shell block that generates an image with Imagemagick, so no extra Emacs packages necessary:

# -----

#+begin_src sh :results graphics file :file /tmp/colour.png
convert -size 300x300 xc:#002b36 /tmp/colour.png

# -----

But the image doesn't appear right away:

+ C-x C-f (load this file)
+ C-c C-c (to execute)
+ Say yes to "Evalute this sh code block on your system?"
+ #RESULTS block appears (good) but image does not show
+ But: C-c C-x C-v does work to toggle image display (fixed!)

This is the simplest way I could think of to generate an image with minimal dependencies, so I hope this boils the problem down in a helpful way. The image should appear immediately in the buffer, shouldn't it?



On 24 November 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

William Denton <> writes:

In Emacs:

+ C-x C-f (load wherever it is)
+ C-c C-c (to execute the R code)
+ Say yes to "Evaluate this R code block on your system?"
+ #RESULTS block appears (good) but image does not show
+ C-c C-x C-v (to toggle image display)
+ image appears
+ C-c C-c (to execute R code again)
+ Say yes to "Evaluate this R code block on your system?"
+ image disappears
+ C-c C-x C-v says "Inline image display turned off"
+ C-c C-x C-v says "Inline image display turned off" (and so on)

Expected behaviour:  Images should appear when this code block is run or rerun,
and C-c C-X C-v (org-toggle-inline-images) should toggle the setting, not keep
it off.

I am currently not able to test third-party packages in clear
environment, but I think I know what could have caused the problem.

I think I fixed the issue on main.

Can you try the latest main and see if the problem persists?

William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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