Greg Minshall <> writes:

i see this same behavior. to me, (org-babel-R-assign-elisp) seems to be the problem, but it hasn't changed any time recently. (nor, if my =git
blame= is done correctly, has anything else in ob-R.el.)

Yeah, the problem is not a change to ob-R.el but the recent change to ob-core.el (see the message of the commit I referenced). But the change to ob-core.el is final if I understand it correctly which means that ob-R.el has to be updated. Sorry if I was unclear in my description.

Named plain lists were previously turned into data.frames with each first level item in one row. Second level items were in the second column I believe. After the change to ob-core.el they are still data.frames but first level items form columns instead of rows. Second (or deeper) level items are dropped as they should be after the change to ob-core.el (according to the commit message).

Johan Tolö

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