
I'm trying to run some shell block code (in windows they should evaluate in
cmd). But when executing org-babel block code, it seems that org-babel is
not finishing the last command. If I run:

#+begin_src shell :results output
  echo %cd%
  echo "hello"

then the output is

: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2251]
: (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
: c:\Users\johndoe\Org>echo %cd%
: c:\Users\johndoe\Org
: c:\Users\johndoe\Org>More?

More? means cmd is expecting some additional command (creating multiline
statemens). In cmd typying either ( or ^ result in More?, but I don't know
what is causing this error in org-babel. Interestingly, if run like this:

#+begin_src shell :results output :session shell
  echo "%cd%"
  echo "hello"

I'm getting the right output:

: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2251]
: (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
: echo "%cd%"
: "c:\Users\johndoe\Org"
: echo "hello"
: "hello"

But only when run for the first time, if running for second time, I'm
getting this:

: cd%"
: "c:\Users\johndoe\Org"
: echo "hello"
: "hello"

Any way how to fix it either with :session shell command or without?
Best regards,
Vlastimil Vondra

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