
Since Org 9.6, I am seeing that the numbering of tables (and other elements
like figures) resets to 1 and stays so, thought I cannot see a pattern of
why that happens.

Org version: Org mode version 9.6 (release_9.6-40-g49cf3e ..)

Here's a small reproducible example that shows the problem in any exporter
(ox-ascii, ox-html, ..)

#+title: Table numbering test
#+options: author:nil toc:nil

#+caption: Should be Table 1
| h1       | h2       | h3       |
| abcdefgh | ijklmnop | qrstuvwx |

#+caption: Should be Table 2
| h1       | h2       | h3       |
| abcdefgh | ijklmnop | qrstuvwx |

#+caption: Should be Table 3
| h1       | h2       | h3       |
| abcdefgh | ijklmnop | qrstuvwx |

#+caption: Should be Table 4
| h1       | h2       | h3       |
| abcdefgh | ijklmnop | qrstuvwx |

Output of C-c C-e t A:


                          TABLE NUMBERING TEST

 h1        h2        h3
 abcdefgh  ijklmnop  qrstuvwx
Table 1: Should be Table 1

 h1        h2        h3
 abcdefgh  ijklmnop  qrstuvwx
Table 2: Should be Table 2

 h1        h2        h3
 abcdefgh  ijklmnop  qrstuvwx
Table 1: Should be Table 3

 h1        h2        h3
 abcdefgh  ijklmnop  qrstuvwx
Table 1: Should be Table 4

Kaushal Modi

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