Hi all,

> To make things clear, I love Org-mode (yes, I voted) and its LaTeX export.
> More than you can imagine: I now look for avoiding writing any LaTeX document,
> and have the export do all the work for me...
> BTW, any solution for exporting to a Beamer presentation?  I'd be very very
> very interested by anything in that direction. That's the last piece of the
> whole puzzle, IMHO.
> Though, working more and more in that direction (Org-mode -> LaTeX), I've seen
> a couple of weird things that I've compiled into an ECM, for ease of use:
> * Org
>   - If you have a level 3 item under a level 1 item, the level 3 doesn't get
>     exported to LaTeX. I know this is not a normal situation, but it happens
>     when restructuring some text, and you loose it in the exported view...
>       This text is not exported. Though, I'm not always aware of it, when
>       sections are long (spreading over more than one screen page)...
> *** Level 2 -- is there a level 3 above?
>     - Table with formulas and environment /framed/ :
>       The following table will be framed, but TBL formulas do not work
>       anymore.
>         #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=lrrr
>         #+LaTeX: \begin{framed}
>         | Code      | \euro{} |  \% | \euro{} |
>         |-----------+---------+-----+---------|
>         | GSM       |         |     |    0.00 |
>         | Internet  |  168.45 | 100 |  168.45 |
>         | Matériel  |  295.99 | 100 |  295.99 |
>         | Publicité |  214.25 |  33 |   70.70 |
>         | Autres    |         |     |    0.00 |
>         |-----------+---------+-----+---------|
>         | Total     |         |     |  535.14 |
>         #+LaTeX: \end{framed}
>         #+TBLFM: $4=$2*$3/100;%.2f::@7$4=vsum(@-...@-ii)
>       Swapping these two last lines gives LaTeX errors... What's the solution
>       for having both: an environment around the table and formulas that work?
>       Why do I have to escape the sign symbol as soon as I put LaTeX commands
>       (and not BEGIN..END_LaTeX) near it?
>     - Hyperlink to other sections: see [[To be referenced]]. Looking in the
>       produced LaTeX code, it always link to the current section instead!
>     - Quotes are sometimes exported in a weird /fashion/ : see "Industriels,
>       et commerçants". And compare with the quotes in the next sample
>       ("Industriels et commerçants").
>       See as well that /fashion/ is not in italic above. Apparently because of
>       the special non-breaking space following the second slash... BTW, a
>       possibility would be to translate the "non-breaking space" to its LaTeX
>       equivalent syntax (the "tilde" sign).
> * To be referenced
>   This should be the landing point for the hyperreference above.
> Once again, thanks to all of you that provide us with those wonderful
> features...

Anybody commenting on the above?

Other things I've noticed:

- Even with version 6.28, the `#+TBLNAME' tag must be located in column 0 (at
  least, for the highlighting features to work)

- Remote references to other tables are great, but they only work with
  absolute references, not with named cells. On the wishlist (easy to
  say ;-)), I image it'd be utmost useful to be able to name a cell and reuse
  its name in a remote ref.

Thanks for any commentary on the above...

Thank you very much Carsten, Bastien and Co...

Sébastien Vauban

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