Using the included orgmode 9.52 on emacs 28.1 for much of my daily work,
university professor.  At the end of the day I quit emacs, saving all my
work for the day in a very large folder tree that includes all my working
files and this is rsync'ed onto a usb disk that is a backup and is
sync'ed to a disk on my home computer and I have redundant backups. About
one month ago upgraded to orgmode  9.6 using elpa  and about a week ago I
started getting an encoding warning when i would tell emacs I wanted to
quit. The warning indicated the offending characters but they were in an
unformatted buffer on the screen and I became fatigued trying to correct
them.  If I save the file as raw-text I preserve all the org formatting and
structure.  I upgraded ny home computer to 9.6 and this started happening
on it also.  I have returned my current computers to the included org 9.52
and the problem has stopped.  Can anyone report a similar issue, a cause
and a solution.
Thank you

Paul H. Schlesinger MD, PhD
Washington University School of Medicine
Don't let your models of reality become confused with reality itself.

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